Symposium as seen on the virtual platform
Experts in the use of for hybrid meetings!
Cytokines 2022 Hybrid Meeting Virtual Exhibit
Networking Lounge trying to bring the in-person and virtual participants together (not so easy....)
Starting to build out the Cytokines 2021 Hybrid Meeting Platform
All sponsors and exhibitors will be encouraged to participate with a virtual exhibit booth. The Society's new Virtual Event Specialist, Beth Grey, will assist our industry partners in the design and set up of their booths for optimal interactive functionality.

Nearly all of the major breakthroughs in COVID-19 treatments and vaccine development have connections to members of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) in academia, government and industry. Originally planning to meet in Seattle, there was never a question of cancelling because of the importance of this meeting to understand the systems biology of cytokines and interferons in human health and disease.

By partnering with LabRoots ( as our virtual meeting platform, the Organizing Committee’s goal is to increase the impact and accessibility to the data and bring together all those interested in cytokine and IFN biology to advance human health.

ePoster Lightning Talks give each poster presenter the opportunity to present 5-8 slides in a 3 minute oral presentation.
Industry Support nearly matched the original budget, with most sponsors and exhibitors committed to the meeting, some even prefer the Virtual Exhibits.
Delegates meet in the Networking Lounge for followup discussions after sessions and to connect with other participants. A Group Zoom event for trainees will use the Networking Lounge as its meeting point.

For the ISDP 2020 Virtual Meeting we partnered with our online association management contractor, and will do so again in 2021 for a Hybrid Meeting.

These are some of our Virtual Abstract Award Winners from ISDP 2021 Hybrid Meeting! One was in her hotel room in Chicago taking care of remote nursing and not missing the session!
In-Person Travel Award Winners ISDP 2021 Hybrid Meeting (220 attendees in Chicago, 287 on the Virtual Platform). Total registration of 507 participants was an all time record! Membership, especially Early-Career and Student, increased substantially as well.
Panel Discussion
Group shot of our pre-conference COVID Generation session!

ISDP 2020 Virual Meeting