Joan Oefner

Having started in this business before the internet from a small “home office”, I am most comfortable working in a remote environment.

A Virtual Office business model is the most efficient and responsive way to develop international teams of talented professionals to support the missions and goals of international non-profit scientific and medical societies.

After eight years managing the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS), it is time to pass the torch to Stephanie Flores, CAE, who also took over another former client ( that outgrew us, which is the goal of Rhema Association Management! One size absolutely does not fit all when it comes to managing and directing dynamic international scientific societies. We will continue to guide & manage smaller cytokine related organizations and meetings, bringing all our energy, expertise, contacts and experience to organizations and meetings that fit under our roof, with the goal of letting them go if and when they outgrow us.

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2024 ICIS Annual Business Meeting Announcement