We are currently seeking one more meeting for 2026!!!
Scientific & Medical Conference Management
- Venue selection is fundamental to a successful event: when a first class venue is secured, for the lowest possible costs to attendees and the contract does not put the organization in a perilous position.
- Design a responsive website which will evolve as the program develops.
- Publicizing the event and creating an interconnected network of interest to spread the word internationally, exponentially and with low expenditure of funds. Reach out to affiliated groups to secure endorsements and support.
- Support the program chairs, committee members and international members who are involved in organizing the program. Facilitate communication and work plan management.
- Identify corporate, academic and government supporters, motivate and empower program committee members to reach out to potential supporters in their sphere of influence and develop appropriate sponsorship opportunities. Encourage opportunities for discussion between high level representatives within industry and the Society’s executive committee to facilitate a partnership between industry and the Society to spur innovation and to support the Society’s educational mission.
- Create a working budget which is updated continuously in real-time and shared frequently with organizers.
- Set up and monitor an online abstract submission site, online registration (which is integrated with the online membership system) and if needed, online room reservation system and room sharing networking site.
- Advertise and administer Travel Awards and Grants.
- Organize everything onsite, as well as off-site social events and room reservations for invited speakers and VIP’s (provide group reservation link to delegates and manage room pickup).
- One of the most important onsite tasks is to provide accurate numbers for each catering event and meeting room. This involves pre-planning, historical analysis and years of experience and good intuition.
We specialize in scientific & medical conference management, including but not limited to:
- immunology related
- oncology
- viruses
- biochemistry
- genomics
- pharmaceutical
- biotechnology
- radiology
- molecular imaging
- nuclear medicine
- neurology and neurosurgery
However, any scientific or medical conference would benefit from our many years of experience working with physicians, scientists, technologists and young investigators from academia, government as well as the biotech and pharmaceutical industry.
If you have been designated as the Program Chair of an upcoming symposium, conference, course or workshop, all you need do is contact Joan Oefner, by email and set up a time when you can discuss the details of the program with Joan. We normally work on a “per meeting participant fee” basis plus a commission on sponsorship/exhibit revenue.
What do my clients say?
From a Past President of the Society for Molecular Imaging:
“The San Francisco SMI meeting seems like only yesterday, but through the years since that meeting you have helped all of us build a solid foundation for the SMI that will last well into the future. It has been your energy, insights, experience and tremendous attitude that have turned this society into a well-tuned, professionally run organization, and built its annual meeting into an internationally renowned platform for reporting on the most important advances in molecular imaging. You should be very proud knowing that you have contributed greatly to this emerging field, and we are all indebted to you for helping us build a vibrant organization that serves the imaging community so well. You have helped convert a vision into a reality, and even though you have left the SMI in the very capable hands of Charles and his team, we will miss you very much.”
From a former Program Chair of NASCI: “Mrs. Joan Oefner is one of the brightest Executive directors I have worked with. Her passion for the job at hand and profound knowledge of the business, makes her an asset for anybody, who wants to grow an organization or business. Excellent personality and outstanding character is recognized by everybody who had or will have the pleasure to collaborate with her. I therefore can only highly recommend her organizational skills and her exceptional leadership qualities.” Norbert Wilke, MD, FACC, FSCCT, FESC, Nürnberg, Germany, Program Chair for the 2004 and 2005 Annual Meetings of NASCI (450 – 550 participants at the Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island, Florida, USA.)
“Rhema took over management of all functions of the California Separation Science Society in 1996. Our situation was dire. Under Joan’s leadership, Rhema took over and saved the society from almost certain bankruptcy. Joan’s outgoing personality, wisdom and drive all combined to make the turn-around exciting and fun. Plus, we kept her two best employees when she relocated to Regensburg. They are with us still. I recommend Rhema and Joan for any society that needs competent, energetic management with a respectful soft touch and big smile. She will not let you down.” Robert Stevenson, PhD, Editor, American Laboratory & Treasurer of CASSS.
We can put you in contact with representatives from each of our current and past clients for more detailed references.